Click this button to close the dialog box and save your changes
.topic 2
Click this button to close the dialog box without saving your changes.
.topic 65535
For help on this item, click the input box, or button for the item with the What's This? cursor.
.topic 100
Displays the copyright and release information for Yesler Alive.
.topic 146
.topic 147
.topic 154
Click this button to play five seconds of your presentation. Closed captioning segments are five seconds.
.topic 155
Click this button to replay the selected five seconds of your presentation.
.topic 1206
Select this option to record a video file using Yesler Alive. If you do not have a digital video camera installed on you computer, this option will not be available.
.topic 1209
Select this option to record an audio file using Yesler Alive.
.topic 1002
Select this option to attach an existing audio or video to your section. Choosing this option displays the Insert Audio or Video Clip dialog box.
.topic 190
.topic 1166
Use the spin control to specify the minute at which you want the selected slide to display.
.topic 1167
Use the spin control to specify the second at which you want the selected slide to display.
.topic 1168
Use the spin control to specify the tenths of a second at which you want the selected slide to display.
.TOPiC 218
.topic 1218
Type a description for your presentation.
.topic 1219
Type the name of the author of your presentation. The default author is the name that you entered when installing Yesler Alive.
.topic 1220
Lists the size of the presentation file.
.topic 1221
Lists the location of the saved presentation file.
.topic 1222
Lists the name of the presentation file.
.topic 1236
Type the Title for your presentation. The default presentation name is the name of the saved presentation file.
.topic 1223
Select Document Table of Contents to have Yesler Alive display the table of contents for your presentation when it finishes playing.
.topic 1235
Select A Web Page to jump to a specific Web page when your presentation finishes playing.
.topic 1237
Type the name of a specify Web page to display when your presentation finishes playing.
.topic 169
.topic 1104
Select this radio button to use the bullet icon that was specified for the previous bullet level.
.topic 1101
Displays the color for something.
.topic 1253
Select this option to specify a bullet icon to use for this bullet point.
.topic 1106
Use the drop-down list to select a color for the bullet icon.
.topic 1107
Use the drop-down list to select a bullet icon to be used for this bullet point.
.topic 1213
Displays the current font name and font size for the selected bullet point.
.topic 1215
Click this button to change the font properties for the selected bullet point. Clicking this button will display the Font dialog box.
.topic 1210
Use the drop-down list to select a color for the text of this bullet.
.TOPIC 215
.topic 1206
Choose this option to display your picture on the left side of the slide.
.topic 1071
Choose this option to display your picture in the center of the slide.
.topic 209
Choose this option to display your picture on the right side of the slide.
.topic 1065
Choose this option to size your image file so that it will display properly at a screen resolution of 640 by 480.
.topic 1066
Choose this option to size your image file so that it will display properly at a screen resolution of 800 by 600.
.topic 1067
Select this option to size the picture yourself. When you select this option you must specify the exact height and width for the picture. If you check Keep Width and Height Proportionate, Yesler alive will maintain the original aspect ratio of the picture.
.topic 1068
Select this option to size the picture yourself. When you select this option you must specify the exact height and width for the picture. If you check Keep Width and Height Proportionate, Yesler alive will maintain the original aspect ratio of the picture.
.topic 1069
Select this option to size the picture yourself. When you select this option you must specify the exact height and width for the picture. If you check Keep Width and Height Proportionate, Yesler alive will maintain the original aspect ratio of the picture.
.topic 1062
Check this box to maintain the scale of the picture. When you change the width, the height will be updated automatically.
.topic 1070
Check this option to add a border around your picture. Use the input box to specify the width (in pixels) of the border.
.topic 1063
Check this option to add a border around your picture. Use the input box to specify the width (in pixels) of the border.
.TOPIC 168
.topic 1170
Choose a formatting template for the section layout of your published presentation. As you select a layout template, the Preview box will display how the section will appear.
.topic 1105
Displays a preview of the selected section layout template.
.topic 1094
Select this option to display the name of the section in the table of contents list.
.topic 1092
Select this option to have your presentation automatically advance to the next section when the current section is finished playing.
.topic 1202
Click this button to display the Format Slides dialog box. This enables you to set formatting properties for all slides in a section.
.TOPIC 189
.topic 1154
Select this link type to insert an FTP link into your presentation.
.topic 1155
Select this link type to insert a link to a secured server into your presentation.
.topic 1156
Select this link type to insert a link to an e-mail address into your presentation. When a user clicks on this link, they will generate an e-mail to the specified address.
.topic 1157
Select this link type to insert a link to a Web site into your presentation.
.topic 1158
Type a description of the link. This text will appear on your slide instead of the Link To text. For example, if you were linking to your company's Web site, you would type your company name in this box.
.topic 1159
Type the location that you want the link to jump. For example, if you are creating a link to a Web page, you would enter the URL for that page. Or, if you are creating a link to an e-mail address, you would enter that e-mail address.
.topic 1160
Click this button to ensure that the specified link is valid. If the link is valid, the Web page will display in your Web browser. If it is not a valid link, your Web browser will display an error message.
.topic 1161
Select this link type to insert a link to file on a local area network or shared file folder into your presentation.
.topic 1162
Select this link type to insert any other kind of link into your presentation.
.TOPIC 201
.topic 1060
Select this option to insert an HTML page that exists of a Web site. This option ensures that all relative links are maintained and that your page displays properly.
.topic 1179
Type the fully-qualified address to the Web page.
.topic 1197
Select this option to insert a Web page that exists on your hard drive or a shared file folder. We cannot guarantee that your relative links will be maintained and your page may not display properly.
.topic 1198
Type the fully-qualified path to the Web page.
.topic 1075
Click this button to locate a Web page on your hard disk or on your LAN.
.topic 1077
Click this button to display the location of the Web page you entered. If the link is not valid, your Web browser will display an error message.
.TOPIC 223
.topic 1249
Select this option to save any media files that you record using Yesler Alive in the Yesler Alive document folder.
.topic 1250
Select this option to save any media files that you record using Yesler Alive in a specific folder. This allows you to save all of your recorded media in the same location.
.topic 1251
Type the fully-qualified path to the folder in which you want to store the media files. For example, C:\My Documents\Media Files.
.topic 1011
Click this button to locate a specific folder in which Yesler Alive will save any media files you record.
.topic 1246
Check this option to convert your media files to RealMedia when you save.
.topic 1247
Select this option to set the default connection speed for your encoded media files. The default connection speed should be determined by the Internet connection speed of your typical user. If you set the connection speed to be too fast, users who are connecting at a slower speed will not be able to view your presentation.
.topic 1248
Check this option to have Yesler Alive automatically open the presentation you were editing when you closed Yesler Alive.
.topic 1252
Select this option to set the default connection speed for your encoded media files. The default connection speed should be determined by the Internet connection speed of your typical user. If you set the connection speed to be too fast, users who are connecting at a slower speed will not be able to view your presentation. When this option is selected, you will no longer have to set the connection speed for every media file that you record or attach to your presentation. By default this option is not checked.
.topic 1260
Click this button to display the Spell Checking Options dialog box. Use the Options dialog box to specify spell checking options such as Ignore Capitalized Words and Ignore Words with Numbers.
.TOPIC 234
.topic 1261
Click this button to dislay the Dictionaries dialog box. Use the Dictionaries dialog box to specify a dictionary to use and words that the spell checker should include or exclude when checking.
.topic 1262
Click this button to make no changes to the selected word and locate the next misspelled word.
.topic 1263
Click this button to replace the selected word with the word listed in the Change To box.
.topic 1264
Click this button to add the selected word to your custom dictionary. Once a word is added to a dictionary, it will no longer be flagged as being misspelled.
.topic 1265
Click this button to skip all occurences of the selected word in the current document.
.topic 1266
Click this button to replace all occurences of the selected word with the word listed in the Change To box.
.topic 1267
Click this button to display a list of words that are similar to the word which you typed into the Change To box. This button is only enabled after you type some text into the Change To box.
.topic 1268
This box displays the misspelled word in context. The misspelled or unknown word is selected and alternate word choices are listed in the Change To box.
.topic 1269
Displays the closest match to the word selected in the Not in Dictionary box.
.topic 1270
Lists alternate suggestions for the misspelled word. Select one of the words listed to replace the misspelled word with it instead of the word in the Change To box.
.topic 1271
Lists the element in which the misspelled word was found.
.TOPIC 200
.topic 1119
Select this option to set the zoom level at 25%.
.topic 1184
Select this option to set the zoom level at 50%.
.topic 1185
Select this option to set the zoom level at 75%.
.topic 1186
Select this option to set the zoom level at 150%.
.topic 1187
Select this option to set the zoom level at 100%.
.topic 1188
Select this option to set the zoom level at 200%.
.topic 1189
Select this option to specify a customized zoom level.
.topic 1118
Select this option to specify a customized zoom level.
.topic 1081
Type the full path to the image that you want to display on the slide.
.topic 1001
Select this option to position your corporate logo in the upper left corner of the slide.
.topic 1100
Select this option to position your corporate logo in the lower left corner of the slide.
.topic 1003
Select this option to position your corporate logo in the upper right corner of the slide.
.topic 1004
Select this option to position your corporate logo in the lower right corner of the slide.
.topic 1005
.topic 1006
Select this option to attach a RealFlash animation file to your section. Choosing this option displays the Insert RealFlash Animation dialog box.
.topic 1010
Click this button to display the Options dialog box.
.topic 1012
.topic 1054
Click this button to locate a bullet icon for a first level bullet point. Clicking this button displays the Insert Bullet dialog box.
.topic 1008
Click this button to locate a bullet icon for a second level bullet point. Clicking this button displays the Insert Bullet dialog box.
.topic 1009
Click this button to locate a bullet icon for a third level bullet point. Clicking this button displays the Insert Bullet dialog box.
.topic 205
Click this button to locate a bullet icon for a fourth level bullet point. Clicking this button displays the Insert Bullet dialog box.
.topic 1025
Click this button to play the current 5 seconds of your presentation.
.topic 1045
Click this button to play the current 5 seconds of your attached audio or video clip.
.topic 1026
Click this button to play the next 5 seconds of your presentation.
.topic 1127
Click this button to play the next 5 seconds of your presentation.
.topic 1128
Type the transcript of your audio or video in this box.
.topic 1022
Type the transcript of your audio or video in this box.
.topic 1029
Displays the 5 second incremental time stamp and its associated transcript.
.topic 1030
Displays the current elasped time of the audio or video clip.
.topic 1031
Click this button to play the audio or video clip and the slide changes that you have set.
.topic 1032
Click this button to synchronize your slides with the audio or video clip. This will erase any timing stamps that you had previously set for this section.
.topic 1052
Click this button to play the attached audio or video file.
.topic 1054
Click this button to record an audio or video clip.
.topic 1212
Click to stop recording the audio or video clip.
.topic 1033
Click this button to pause the presentation. When a presentation is on pause, this button becomes Play which enables you to restart a presentation that has been paused.
.topic 1037
Lists all off the slides in the section and the time at which they are displayed.
.topic 1038
Displays the name of the attached audio or video clip.
.topic 1039
Displays the size of the attached audio or video clip.
.topic 1040
Displays the last time the audio or video clip was edited.
.topic 1041
Displays the length of the audio or video clip.
.topic 1042
Click this button to replace the current audio or video clip with a new one. Clicking this button starts the Add Audio or Video wizard.
.topic 1043
Click this button to remove the currently attached audio or video clip from the section.
.topic 1044
Click this button to edit the attached audio or video clip.
.topic 1050
Displays the video that you have attached to the section. If you have attached an audio only media file, no video will be shown.
.topic 1075
Click this button to select a font for the slide title.
.topic 1078
Click this button to select a font for a second level bullet point.
.topic 1079
Click this button to select a font for a third level bullet point.
.topic 1080
Click this button to select a font for a fourth level bullet point.
.topic 1082
Click this button to locate an image file to display on a slide.
.topic 1085
Click this button to locate an image file to use as a background image.
.topic 1211
Use the drop-down list to select a bullet icon for a second level bullet point.
.topic 1208
Use the drop-down list to select a bullet icon for a third level bullet point.
.topic 1214
Use the drop-down list to select a bullet icon for a fourth level bullet point.
.topic 1205
Use the drop-down list to select a bullet icon for this bullet point.
.topic 1213
Displays the current font name and font size for the selected bullet point.
.topic 1215
Click this button to change the font properties for the selected bullet point. Clicking this button will display the Font dialog box.
.topic 1210
Use the drop-down list to select a color for the text of this bullet.
.topic 1102
Choose this option to use the bullet icon that you specified for the previous level.
.topic 1103
Choose this option to specify an icon to be used as the bullet.
.topic 1105
Click this button to play the audio or video clip while viewing the slide changes.
.topic 1121
Choose this option to have Yesler Alive delete any audio and video files that are associated with this presentation when you publish your presentation.
.topic 1122
Choose this option to have Yesler Alive delete any audio or video files that are larger than the specified size when you publish your presentation.
.topic 1123
Choose this option to save all of the audio and video files that are associated with this presentation.
.topic 1124
Select this option to have Yesler Alive open the last presentation that you were editing automatically.
.topic 1084
.topic 1047
.topic 1027
.topic 1028
.topic 162
.topic 103
.topic 136
.topic 137
.topic 1000
.topic 1014
.topic 1013
.topic 1015
.topic 1016
.topic 1017
.topic 206
.topic 1018
.topic 1019
.topic 208
.topic 1020
.topic 1021
.topic 1096
.topic 1098
.topic 1203
.topic 1204
.topic 1207
.topic 1108
.topic 1109
.topic 1112
.topic 1113
.topic 1118
.topic 1119
.topic 1120
.topic 1125
.topic 1126
.topic 1129
.topic 1536
.topic 32771
.topic 32773
.topic 32774
.topic 32774
.topic 32781
.topic 32783
.topic 32787
.topic 32788
.topic 32790
.topic 32791
.topic 32792
.topic 32821
.topic 32827
.topic 32831
.topic 32832
.topic 32833
.topic 32835
.topic 32836
.topic 32837
.topic 1110
.topic 1111
.topic 104
.topic 10000
.topic 10001
"The media clip cannot be played now.
.topic 10002
There was an unexpected error.
.topic 10003
This media clip could not be played.
.topic 10004
The media clip playback was aborted.
.topic 10005
This action cannot be completed at this time. Please try again later.
.topic 10006
.topic 10007
The media clip could not be paused.
.topic 10008
The media clip could not be stopped.
.topic 10009
The media clip could not be rewound.
.topic 10010
Out of memory.
.topic 10011
This is not a Microsoft PowerPoint file.
.topic 10012
The file could not be imported
.topic 10013
The file is corrupt.
.topic 10014
The media clip could not be recorded.
.topic 10015
The media clip has an unsupported media format.
.topic 10016
The video in this media clip has an unsupported format.
.topic 10017
The audio in this media clip has an unsupported format.\r\n Audio must be sampled at 8000 Hz, 11025 Hz, 16000 Hz, 22050 Hz, 32000 Hz or 44100 Hz, with 8 or 16 bits per sample.
.topic 10018
Video preview will not be available during recording.
.topic 10019
Required files are either corrupt or could not be found. Please reinstall the application.
The media could not be decompressed. A decompressor for this media is not available.
.topic 10030
The Media Properties could not be displayed because there was a problem with the audio or video clip. Would you like to remove the clip so you can replace it with a different one?
.topic 10031
An error beyond Yesler Alive's control may have occurred; restarting your computer may also fix this problem.